I had a very eye-opening week! It all started when my oldest son was measured at the doctor's office on Monday...he was 4'11" tall. For those of you who may not know me, that is only 6 inches shorter than me. This is my baby, how can he be so tall so soon!
Then I went to see a friend of mine who just had a baby boy. Standing there looking at that baby I thought to myself "my 4'11" was just that size, and it seems like last week!". Then we went and had pictures made, and there it was again. My baby was becoming a very handsome young MAN! Don't get me wrong I am very proud of the man he is becoming, but does it have to happen so fast!
As one of my friends was looking at the pictures, she commented about how much she loves getting their pictures made when they are babies. I told her I always felt the same way, until now. Now I want even more pictures because I see just how fast this precious time is getting away.
So, to all of you parents out there...stand back and admire the beautiful children God has blessed you with. Watch how fast they grow. Pray for them. Pray that God makes them wise and strong in faith. Pray for their future job choices . Pray for that person who will one day still their hearts! Enjoy the long nights and the busy days. And get their pictures made!