Friday, March 10, 2006

Over A Cup Of Coffee

My grandmother's house always smelled like coffee. It did not matter what time of day it was there was a pot of coffee on the kitchen counter, sometimes fresh and sometimes scorched. As a child I would watch my grandfather wrap his hands around a cup of coffee and slowly bring it up to his mouth. Then he would curl his lips over the edge of the cup and take this slow slurp. His eyes would sometimes close like he was tasting the most wonderful thing ever.

As a college student I began to enjoy coffee. I mainly enjoyed the benefits of coffee on the long drives back to college or on a long study night. As an adult coffee has become a form of entertainment. There are coffee houses everywhere, with every kind of coffee conceivable. Even a trip to Target can be enhanced by coffee. There are many coffee accessories; flavored creamers, seasonable creamers, special insulated mugs, and special cups for lattes or expressos.

However, the best way to enjoy coffee has nothing to do with the cup or cream or even the type of coffee. It is spending the afternoon with a really good friend, sipping coffee, and talking. Just knowing at that moment that over that cup of coffee anything can be discussed. You can laugh, cry, dream of future plans, and be the best of friends.....over a cup of coffee.


Stacy said...

I was scared to make this post I was afraid it would make you sick!!!! Glad little JJ took it well!
Love ya too!

dtandfambly said...

Now if you could just write some notes while you were there, I believe a coffee shop could be heaven on earth!
Elizabeth...It's like a fine wine, you get used to it. Start out with lots of cream and sugar maybe it will grow on you. Then again, there are days when I wish I didn't like coffee so much and a cup of tea would do!