Saturday, March 25, 2006

"Tammy" movies

I just caught the second half of a "Tammy" movie this weekend and wanted to pass along how wonderful these movies are. My mom introduced me to "Tammy" movies when I was a teenager(of course these were old movies then!!) The movies are all titled something like, "Tammy and the Millionaire", " Tammy and the Doctor", "Tammy and the Bachelor". They are wonderful romance movies about a girl who is pure and very naive , raised on a river boat by her grandfather. She goes into the "real" world and changes all the lives around her and wins the heart of the leading man! (aaahhhh) Tammy is played by Debbie Reynolds, Sandra Dee, and Debra Watson. They are truly feel good movies! Great for a girls day with your daughters! You could proablly find these movies at the library and I know they are available through Amazon.
Take time to watch and enjoy the theme song;

"Tammy, Tammy, Tammys in love................."

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