Tami and I rode out our first tropical storm together! Wouldn't you know that the first time we attempt a vacation together,WITH THE KIDS, a tropical storm would hit!
I would just like to say that the storm was no match for us! ( Even though at one moment I did feel a little like

We also made sure we did a survey of all the seafood restaurants on the Calabash waterfront, and of course every good seafood meal must be followed by ice cream! We rented a 7 foot umbrella for the day we spent all day on the beach, and were somewhat successful getting it to stand up!
Our condo was beautiful! We had no idea that we would be staying in such a nice place. We were both expecting something a little older, but as it is we both already have reservations to return before summer's end. The children did wonderful! We played a lot of "go fish" , "old maid", and "Yatzee"! At night, after the children were all tucked in, Tami and I spent hours sitting on the bench outside the condo talking and watching the ocean. Naturally, we solved all the problems of the world and we will disclose those when needed!
On the last morning, I was in my favorite place. I was on the very end of the island, in a tide pool up to my knees, collecting whelk shells, star fish, and sand dollars, while watching the sun come up! My children were scattered on the beach and in the tide pools in their own worlds of imagination, and all was right. My mind had settle a few things, because I had slowed down enough to spend time with God and be still and listen. I spent valuable time with my children and my best friend. And I did realize it is not about days, but about moments and we had some awesome moments!

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